Gold Dragonlord

As our circle of dragon knights expands, we thought it was high time we returned to some straightforwardly heroic dragons. The gold dragonlord is the perfect liege for a your a-religious not-paladin, as the most gilded dragon is almost infuriatingly devoted to the upholding of righteousness and justice. Just keep a practical head; we already have too many paladins falling from grace and becoming Lawful Stupid, and we’d hate for your gold dragon to drag you down to the same horrid fate. If you wish to rise to the challenge, then the gold dragonlord is waiting for you right now on our store!

If your own devotion to justice demands you repay our diligent production of delicious homebrew, then the most objectively virtuous way to help us is to join our Patreon! Patrons at all tiers gain immediate access to our still growing roster of dragonlords, and those who pledge $7 or more have our Avatars of Fate to look forward to at the end of the month, plus the rest of our backlog. And, if you have an idea for any of the dragonlords that still remain, we’re still eager to hear from you on Discord. We love to hear your feedback, and all the more so when we can turn it back around into tasty subclasses for you to enjoy!

Want us to paint our desks with real gold? Donate more and we just might!

Avatar of Fate - The Emperor And The Lovers

