Who Are Gelatinous Cubicles?

Gelatinous Cubicles is made up of a small team of three close friends. We met in our undergraduate years (circa-2017) and quickly bonded over a shared interest in Dungeons & Dragons. We've been a tight playgroup ever since, spending countless nights together in-and-out-of-session. It didn't take long for us to start developing homebrew, seeking feedback from each other and collaborating frequently. Though we have since graduated and gone our separate ways, we founded this group in 2020 with the goal of continuing our friendship and providing quality homebrew to the 5th Edition community.

We pride ourselves on creating the best stuff out there; while we can't guarantee perfection, a piece of Gelatinous Cubicles comes with a seal of quality. All of our material is playtested and painstakingly revised to ensure that the community receives homebrew of the highest quality possible. We make sure to take lessons from each and every brew, with each release bringing us closer to creating the best possible homebrew for the community. Take a look at our content from year to year and see for yourself!


  • Trent "The Sewerman" Hanson

    I had never taken the plunge into tabletop RPG's until I met James and Nona. Soon after, however, I dove headfirst into the world of 5e, quickly moving from player to DM. My one true love is dark fantasy, as I love exploring moral quandaries and intense themes through the game. Among some of my favorite properties to draw inspiration from is Dark Souls, the Witcher, and Game of Thrones. Still, I will always advocate for a sensitive and inclusive tabletop community.

  • Nona "The Kobold Wrangler" Engstrom

    I got into D&D conceptually with 3.5, but didn't start playing in earnest until I met James and Trent in college. Ever since I've been playing, creating, arguing, and occasionally shouting out dramatic lines at the table louder than intended. When I play tabletop games, my chief concern is roleplay and game feel. I like conveying enjoyable experiences through abilities, interesting character ideas, and situations where those facets can shine.

  • James "The Snickering Ghoul" Urbec

    I started playing D&D my first year of college, learning 3.5 min-maxing at the knee of a modern viking before exploring 5e on my own. I focus on narrative intrigue more than anything else. I bend any and every rule to make the story more satisfying, and nothing is ever as simple as it first appears if I have my way. For homebrew, I'm always looking to expand the tools we have to tell our stories, but tempered by strong desire to keep options balanced properly.