Arms Master

Every artificer has their own fixation, and today, we have the artificer fixated on… weapons. Not on guns, a la Artillerist, or on a dog that is a weapon, a la Battle Smith, but simply… weapons. In some ways, the broadness is the point: the Arms Master has finetuned a masterpiece of a weapon they can adapt to any scenario. After all, in the murder and dismemberment business, versatility is the name of the game. With the Arms Master, no situation is too strange that they can’t produce an implement of war just right for the job.

This subclass is a monthly commission by one of our patrons on Patreon; if you have homebrew ideas that you want us to bring to life, then join at $35 a month to get a special order every month! And, if you have more ideas than you know what to do with, and need to narrow them down, try the brewing channels on our Discord, where you can hash things out with the various brewers that have gathered there. We look forward to hearing from you!


Brass Dragonlord


Granny Greenwart’s Hissing Boils